await trial

美 [əˈweɪt ˈtraɪəl]英 [əˈweɪt ˈtraɪəl]
  • 候审
await trialawait trial
  1. The defendant was released to await trial but had to surrender her passport .


  2. The Usage That Take to Protect to Await Trial In the Economic Crime Case


  3. Can try to apply for await trial of be bailed out in this moment .


  4. Bailing await trial is one of the criminal compulsion measures and the embodiment of state police authority and jurisdiction .


  5. Principal-Agent Relation in the Organization for Gratuitous Services The Comparison between Bailment and Bailing Await Trial


  6. The Comparison between Bailment and Bailing Await Trial


  7. The act of sending an accused person back into custody to await trial ( or the continuation of the trial ) .


  8. Magni to await trial in freedom .


  9. Rio Tinto denies wrongdoing by the men , who await trial on reduced charges of bribery and theft of commercial secrets .


  10. On the base of the brief compare , the article tried to bring forward reforming to be bailed out and await trial and re-construct the system of compulsive measure .


  11. Fame Olympian Oscar Pistorius is out on bail to await trial in the recent death of his girl friend Reeva Steenkamp .


  12. Two await trial , ten are currently under investigation , seven have been investigated but not convicted , seven have fled China , and six have died ( including two suicides and one murder ) .


  13. The Custody Substitution System refers to the alternative law system of detention , according to which , before the effective judgment was reached , the suspects , defendants , unnecessary to be detained , can be taken to Protect to Await Trial , or be bailed out .
